Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Cultural Transition Radio Show Blog

Welcome to Cultural Transitions Radio blog. Enjoy! And please give us your feedback.

Hosts: Ron Edins, Cassa Von Kundra
Ron and Cassa are co-founders of the local grassroots organization known as Transition Abingdon and Washington County; the focus of the group is building community resilience in response to peak oil, climate change, and economic instability.  Transition Initiatives are now being formed throughout communities across the globe, and they hold the promise of helping communities adapt to a sustainable way of living based on the ethics and principles of permaculture.
Join them as they explore the meaning of living sustainably and why a change in cultural values is needed to achieve that goal.  Learn about permaculture and its importance to our lives.  Together we can build resilience in our community, to withstand the impact of challenges we may face in our future.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! I can finally download your show to my ipod!


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