Monday, March 21, 2011

Interview With Peter Bane, Episode 27

On March 16, Ron and Cassa interviewed Permaculture icon Peter Bane. Peter is a co-author of "Redefining Prosperity", a report of the Bloomington Indiana Peak Oil Task Force that is gaining national and international attention. The report can be downloaded in .pdf format from 

Peter discusses permaculture, peak oil, and the Bloomington, IN Transition efforts.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Episode 26

In this episode, which aired on March 2, 2011, Ron Edins and John Towers explore the origins of the Transition movement and discuss the Statement of Purpose and organization of our own Transition Washington County Initiative. Visit TransitionUS for additional information.

This show also features a brief fund-raising appeal for WEHC Community and College Radio, without whom this show would not be possible. You can give online by clicking here, and selecting WEHC from the drop-down box under "Gift Information." Thanks!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dave Jacke: Edible Forest Gardens Interview

Episode 25 features an interview with Dave Jacke, co-author of Edible Forest Gardens. We were honored to have him speak at an evening gathering at the Permaculture Center of Southwest Viginia in Damascus on February 15.